




Nobel Oil Services hosted a meeting of AmCham HR Committee and introduced the major implementations in its employee compensation & 会员公司的福利计划.

蕾拉Novruzova, BP Human Resources Vice President and Chairperson of HR Committee opened this year’s last session by welcoming guests. 确实Veliyev, 安永阿塞拜疆国家管理合伙人和美国商会董事会成员, 感谢委员会成员的不断参与, 这保证了它的动态活动.

Ellada Alishova, 诺贝尔石油集团人力资源经理, 提供有关公司历史和发展的信息, 它的重要里程碑, successfully accomplished and current projects presenting an overview of the company’s subsidiaries and affiliates.

会议期间,诺贝尔石油公司人力资源协调员, 魔法师Yusifov, shared in detail the company’s practice in implementation of grading and job evaluation system which is aligned with the business needs and designed to ensure a path for professional development. The grading system supports efficient talent and reward program and is linked to performance management process (PMP). 通过SAP ERP系统实现PMP, 不仅覆盖母公司, 还有它的子公司, 形成统筹协调的统一方式. Implementation of the grading system resulted in more functional organizational structure and a fair pay system, 满足企业经营需求.

Nobel Oil Services also shared the outcomes it achieved and provided some advice based on a real practice to the companies, which plan to undertake realization of a similar project within their entities.

Nobel Oil Services expressed its gratitude to other speakers who covered topics of mutual interest.

SOCAR, BP, Total, Wood, McDermott, AA Services, Deloitte & Touche, EY, KPMG, PwC, ADA University and other companies were among the participants.